Who is Siratech?
Siratech started with a mission over 30 years ago to provide a place where people can take their food and
have it tested for adulterants to create a healthy unadulterated community. We have specialized for decades
in SIRA (Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis) analytical testing to detect adulterants in samples such as maple
sugar, honey, juice, and CBD. Using stable isotope ratio analysis, Siratech can perform an inexpensive rapid
maple sugar test on your sample to detect if any adulterants such as corn sugar or cane sugar are present.
Detecting Maple Sugar Adulteration
Maple sugar adulteration has been a topic of concern for a very long time, which is why we are here to
provide you with our reliable and speedy maple sugar test. Maple sugar becomes adulterated when it has been
diluted from distributors with lower-cost commodities such as cane sugar in order to increase their profit.
You may be wondering if your maple sugar is authentic or adulterated, the only way to find out for sure is
by sending us your sample, then our SIRA specialist will perform a quick maple sugar test. We use stable
isotope ratio analysis for our maple sugar test to detect and identify any adulterants such as high fructose
corn syrup and cane sugar. To send us your sample and to learn more about our Maple Sugar Test visit our
Get Your Maple Sugar Test Today!
Do you need to determine if your maple sugar is adulterated or not? Contact Siratcech today for a maple
sugar test to find out what if what you are purchasing is the real deal! Most jobs are reported in full
within 48 hours of receipt so kick back, relax, and we will have your results back to you soon! We are
located right outside of South Austin Texas, and ready to test your sample today. Visit our website to get
your maple sugar test started today!