Juice Adulteration
Fruit juices are commodity products that are susceptible to high prices caused by unpredictable fruit
harvesting conditions and high consumer demand. The demand for fruit juice is increasing and the global
fruit juice market is expected to reach a volume of 50.6 billion liters in 2024. Poor fruit harvesting
conditions as well as differences in growing regions, processing techniques, and storage conditions decrease
the quantity of juice supplied in a market and contribute to increasing juice prices. Taking advantage of
high consumer demand, bad actors looking to increase their profit margins stretch pure juices with cheaper
juices that contain high fructose corn syrup and participate in food adulteration. Unfortunately, food
adulteration is not limited to juices and is also a significant problem in other edible products like wines,
vinegar, alcohols, and malts. As fruit juices have become more profitable juice adulteration has progressed
from simple dilution techniques to highly sophisticated adulteration processes.
Juice Testing
A juice testing method available to detect adulteration is the stable isotope ratio analysis method (SIRA).
The SIRA method identifies if additives like high fructose corn syrup and sweeteners are present in a sample
by comparing the sample’s results to the stable carbon isotope ratio of the declared fruit in the sample.
The juice testing report presents the difference in the stable carbon isotope and exhibits the addition of
high fructose corn syrup and sweeteners. The juice testing report also reveals whether the juice is
reconstituted from concentrate or “not from concentrate”.
Siratech’s accredited laboratory located just south of Austin specializes in stable isotope ratio analysis
(SIRA) for juice testing. Using Siratech’s simple juice testing kit, customers can quickly determine if
their juice is adulterated. Siratech sends customers juice testing kits and prepaid return mailers. Once the
juice testing kit is received by Siratech customers can expect their results in seven to ten days.
Are you ready to start juice testing with Siratech? Click here to begin testing.